My program gets information from an external source (can be a file, a database, or anything else I might decide upon in the future).
I want to define an interface with all my data needs, and classes that implement it (e.g. a class to get the data from a file, another for DB, etc...).
I want the rest of my project to not care where the data comes from, and not need to create any object to get the data, for example to call "DataSource.getSomething();"
For that I need DataSource to contain a variable of the type of the interface and initialize it with one of the concrete implementations, and expose all of its methods (that come from the interface) as static methods.
So, lets say the interface name is K, and the concrete implementations are A,B,C.
The way I do it today is:
public class DataSource {
private static K myVar = new B();
// For **every** method in K I do something like this:
public static String getSomething() {
return myVar.doSomething();
This is very bad since I need to copy all the methods of the interface and make them static just so I can delegate it to myVar, and many other obvious reasons.
What is the correct way to do it? (maybe there is a design pattern for it?)
**Note - since this will be the backbone of many many other projects and I will use these calls from thousands (if not tens of thousands) code lines, I insist on keeping it simple like "DataSource.getSomething();", I do not want anything like "DataSource.getInstance().getSomething();" **
Edit : I was offered here to use DI framework like Guice, does this mean I will need to add the DI code in every entry point (i.e. "main" method) in all my projects, or there is a way to do it once for all projects?
– ExuviaegetInstance()
? Which the OP says he does not want? (I don't think it's useful / meaningful to do it the way to OP wants, but it's still his question) – Estrange