The data is obviously populated using reactjs so you won't be able to parse it reliably using class names etc.. You can get all the data in json format from the page source from the root.App.main
script :
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from json import loads
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get("").content)
script = soup.find("script",text=re.compile("root.App.main")).text
data = loads("root.App.main\s+=\s+(\{.*\})", script).group(1))
Which gives you a whole load of json, you can go through the data and pick what you need like below :
stores = data["context"]["dispatcher"]["stores"]
from pprint import pprint as pp
Which gives you:
{u'price': {u'averageDailyVolume10Day': {u'fmt': u'63.06M',
u'longFmt': u'63,056,525',
u'raw': 63056525},
u'averageDailyVolume3Month': {u'fmt': u'36.53M',
u'longFmt': u'36,527,196',
u'raw': 36527196},
u'currency': u'USD',
u'currencySymbol': u'$',
u'exchange': u'NMS',
u'exchangeName': u'NasdaqGS',
u'longName': u'Apple Inc.',
u'marketState': u'PRE',
u'maxAge': 1,
u'openInterest': {},
u'postMarketChange': {u'fmt': u'0.11', u'raw': 0.11000061},
u'postMarketChangePercent': {u'fmt': u'0.10%',
u'raw': 0.0009687416},
u'postMarketPrice': {u'fmt': u'113.66', u'raw': 113.66},
u'postMarketSource': u'DELAYED',
u'postMarketTime': 1474502277,
u'preMarketChange': {u'fmt': u'0.42', u'raw': 0.41999817},
u'preMarketChangePercent': {u'fmt': u'0.37%',
u'raw': 0.0036987949},
u'preMarketPrice': {u'fmt': u'113.97', u'raw': 113.97},
u'preMarketSource': u'FREE_REALTIME',
u'preMarketTime': 1474536411,
u'quoteType': u'EQUITY',
u'regularMarketChange': {u'fmt': u'-0.02', u'raw': -0.019996643},
u'regularMarketChangePercent': {u'fmt': u'-0.02%',
u'raw': -0.00017607327},
u'regularMarketDayHigh': {u'fmt': u'113.99', u'raw': 113.989},
u'regularMarketDayLow': {u'fmt': u'112.44', u'raw': 112.441},
u'regularMarketOpen': {u'fmt': u'113.82', u'raw': 113.82},
u'regularMarketPreviousClose': {u'fmt': u'113.57',
u'raw': 113.57},
u'regularMarketPrice': {u'fmt': u'113.55', u'raw': 113.55},
u'regularMarketSource': u'FREE_REALTIME',
u'regularMarketTime': 1474488000,
u'regularMarketVolume': {u'fmt': u'31.57M',
u'longFmt': u'31,574,028.00',
u'raw': 31574028},
u'shortName': u'Apple Inc.',
u'strikePrice': {},
u'symbol': u'AAPL',
u'underlyingSymbol': None},
u'price,summaryDetail': {},
u'quoteType': {u'exchange': u'NMS',
u'headSymbol': None,
u'longName': u'Apple Inc.',
u'market': u'us_market',
u'messageBoardId': u'finmb_24937',
u'quoteType': u'EQUITY',
u'shortName': u'Apple Inc.',
u'symbol': u'AAPL',
u'underlyingExchangeSymbol': None,
u'underlyingSymbol': None,
u'uuid': u'8b10e4ae-9eeb-3684-921a-9ab27e4d87aa'},
u'summaryDetail': {u'ask': {u'fmt': u'114.00', u'raw': 114},
u'askSize': {u'fmt': u'100',
u'longFmt': u'100',
u'raw': 100},
u'averageDailyVolume10Day': {u'fmt': u'63.06M',
u'longFmt': u'63,056,525',
u'raw': 63056525},
u'averageVolume': {u'fmt': u'36.53M',
u'longFmt': u'36,527,196',
u'raw': 36527196},
u'averageVolume10days': {u'fmt': u'63.06M',
u'longFmt': u'63,056,525',
u'raw': 63056525},
u'beta': {u'fmt': u'1.52', u'raw': 1.51744},
u'bid': {u'fmt': u'113.68', u'raw': 113.68},
u'bidSize': {u'fmt': u'400',
u'longFmt': u'400',
u'raw': 400},
u'dayHigh': {u'fmt': u'113.99', u'raw': 113.989},
u'dayLow': {u'fmt': u'112.44', u'raw': 112.441},
u'dividendRate': {u'fmt': u'2.28', u'raw': 2.28},
u'dividendYield': {u'fmt': u'2.01%', u'raw': 0.0201},
u'exDividendDate': {u'fmt': u'2016-08-04',
u'raw': 1470268800},
u'expireDate': {},
u'fiftyDayAverage': {u'fmt': u'108.61',
u'raw': 108.608284},
u'fiftyTwoWeekHigh': {u'fmt': u'123.82', u'raw': 123.82},
u'fiftyTwoWeekLow': {u'fmt': u'89.47', u'raw': 89.47},
u'fiveYearAvgDividendYield': {},
u'forwardPE': {u'fmt': u'12.70', u'raw': 12.701344},
u'marketCap': {u'fmt': u'611.86B',
u'longFmt': u'611,857,399,808',
u'raw': 611857399808},
u'maxAge': 1,
u'navPrice': {},
u'open': {u'fmt': u'113.82', u'raw': 113.82},
u'openInterest': {},
u'payoutRatio': {u'fmt': u'24.80%', u'raw': 0.248},
u'previousClose': {u'fmt': u'113.57', u'raw': 113.57},
u'priceToSalesTrailing12Months': {u'fmt': u'2.78',
u'raw': 2.777534},
u'regularMarketDayHigh': {u'fmt': u'113.99',
u'raw': 113.989},
u'regularMarketDayLow': {u'fmt': u'112.44',
u'raw': 112.441},
u'regularMarketOpen': {u'fmt': u'113.82', u'raw': 113.82},
u'regularMarketPreviousClose': {u'fmt': u'113.57',
u'raw': 113.57},
u'regularMarketVolume': {u'fmt': u'31.57M',
u'longFmt': u'31,574,028',
u'raw': 31574028},
u'strikePrice': {},
u'totalAssets': {},
u'trailingAnnualDividendRate': {u'fmt': u'2.13',
u'raw': 2.13},
u'trailingAnnualDividendYield': {u'fmt': u'1.88%',
u'raw': 0.018754954},
u'trailingPE': {u'fmt': u'13.24', u'raw': 13.240438},
u'twoHundredDayAverage': {u'fmt': u'102.39',
u'raw': 102.39367},
u'volume': {u'fmt': u'31.57M',
u'longFmt': u'31,574,028',
u'raw': 31574028},
u'yield': {},
u'ytdReturn': {}},
u'symbol': u'AAPL'}