I want to create a custom authorization attribute for checking the role and url path.
I've find the way for doing it in the Asp.Net Core using the Policy-Based-Authorization but I've tried implement it but I can't get the HttpContext with incomming url.
hasn't access to HttpContext probable.
How can I get current HttpContext with the url path? Is it possible to do that or with another way?
I've tried this code for creating the custom Policy:
public class RoleUrlValidationHandler : AuthorizationHandler<RoleUrlValidationRequirement>
protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, RoleUrlValidationRequirement requirement)
var path = //Here I need get current url path for example - /api/posts/4545411
var pathPart = path.Split('/');
var clientId = pathPart[3];
if (context.User.IsInRole(clientId))
return Task.CompletedTask;
I want to create following:
[Authorize(Policy="RoleUrlValidation")] //Get ClientId from Url and check User's roles
public class PostsController : Controller
public ActionResult Get()
method non-virtual (or removed them), means you can't override them anymore (like it used to work in legacy ASP.NET). They introduced the policy based authorization as replacement, since its more flexible and easier for 3rd parties to add new policies, see this answer from blowdart, the developer responsible for ASP.NET Core security – Troll