I am pretty new to the GPIO part of the raspberry Pi. When I need pins I normally just use Arduino. However I would really like this project to be consolidated to one platform if possible, I would like to do it all on the PI.
So I have three (3) MAX31855 boards and type K Thermocouples. I just don't know where to go with hooking up the other two. I don't know if I can just use any other pins (besides power and ground pins) for the MISO, CSO, and SCLK pins. This may sound like a rookie question but like I said I'm used to using arduino for this stuff. Any input is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I'm using code from https://github.com/Tuckie/max31855
from max31855 import MAX31855, MAX31855Error
thermocouple1=MAX31855(cs_pin, clock_pin, data_pin, units)