I have an Excel macro in VBA. Yesterday everything worked fine, this morning VBA is changing a decimal point to a comma. That is from 5.1 to 5,1.
I am using a German system and have set in Excel's advanced options that a point is a decimal and comma is thousands.
For example I have a value for daily scrum meeting in the Excel sheet set at 3.75
When I use a function to read in the value such as:
Sub TestFunction()
MsgBox (Sheets("Input_Parameters").Cells(25, 2))
End Sub
I get the value with commas.
Is there a setting in the VBA environment to fix this or is there something I am missing. All my backups of the macros are showing the same affect so I know it is nothing I have changed in the code in today's version.
a = 5.3
even in German systems. Can you show your code please (edit the question and add it)? – OutingMsgBox Sheets("Input_Parameters").Cells(25, 2).Value
(without the extra parentheses) – Libido