In my Django application, in the admin, for one of my models, I am allowing the option to filter by its 'create_date' field. Django by default gives me some options (Today, Past 7 Days, This Month, This Year). I want to simply add the option to choose 'Yesterday' as well. I looked at other Stack overflow questions regarding the same issue, but they were all looking for the ability to search by a date range, and I only want the one preloaded option. Is their a way in the admin class that configures this model to override some of their filter functionality ?
Admin Class
class User_LikeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def fb_view_link(self, obj):
if len(obj.user_facebook_link) > 2:
return u"<a href='%s' target='_blank'>Facebook Page</a>" % obj.user_facebook_link
return ""
fb_view_link.short_description = ''
fb_view_link.allow_tags = True
list_display = ('vehicle', 'user', 'fb_view_link', 'dealer', 'create_date')
list_filter = ('create_date', ('vehicle__dealer', custom_titled_filter('Dealer')))
raw_id_fields = ('vehicle', 'user')
actions = [export_csv]
def dealer(self, obj):
and no import fortimezone
– Entoblast