This is the same as using of Optional
, but might be more readable:
public class NullSafe<T> {
private final T value;
public NullSafe(@Nullable T value) { this.value = value; }
public static <T> NullSafe<T> of(@Nullable T value) { return new NullSafe<>(value); }
public <R> NullSafe<R> get(Function<T,R> mapper) {
R newValue = (value != null) ? mapper.apply(value) : null;
return new NullSafe<>(newValue);
public T nullable() { return value; }
public T orDefault(T defaultValue) { return (value != null) ? value : defaultValue; }
And usage:
Power power = NullSafe.of(dao.getCar())
.nullable(); // .orDefault(Power.defaultPower());
An alternative can be static methods:
public static <R> R get(Supplier<R> supplier, R defaultValue) {
try { return supplier.get(); }
catch (NullPointerException ex) { return defaultValue; }
public static <R> R getNullable(Supplier<R> supplier) { return get(supplier, null); }
And usage:
Power power = NullSafe.get(() -> dao.getCar().getEngine().getPower(), Power.defaultPower());
Power powerOrNull = NullSafe.getNullable(() -> dao.getCar().getEngine().getPower());