I would like to create a vertical stackview with 3 elements in it. I want a bit more space only between the 2nd and the last element. So I thought about adding to the last element :
mylastelement.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top:30, left:0,bottom:0, right:0)
But the layoutmargins are not applied in my stackview. Is there any easy way to achieve that (Id like to avoid to modify the last element inner height).
EDIT : I just tried to increase 2nd element height (+50) within its frame by doing :
my2ndElementLabel.frame = CGRect(x:my2ndElementLabel.frame.origin.x,y:lmy2ndElementLabel.frame.origin.y,
width:my2ndElementLabel.frame.width, height:my2ndElementLabel.frame.height + 50)
but it has no effect.
EDIT2 : I tried to add a random view to my UIStackView, but the the view is just ignored ! May have missed something in understanding how UIKit work ?... :
let v = UIView(frame:CGRect(x:0,y:0,width:100,height:400))
v.backgroundColor = .red