I am using Passport to log in users to a Laravel API endpoint, users get authenticated using their social accounts (google, facebook) using laravel-socialite package.
the workflow of logging users in and out works perfectly (generating tokens...Etc). The problem is I have a controller that should return data based on whether there is a user logged in or not.
I do intercept the Bearer token from the HTTP request but I couldn't get the user using the token (I would use DB facade to select the user based on the token but I am actually looking whether there is a more clean way already implemented in Passport)
I also don't want to use auth:api middleware as the controller should work and return data even if no user is logged in.
this is the api route:
Route::get("/articles/{tag?}", "ArticleController@get_tagged");
this is the logic I want the controller to have
public function get_tagged($tag = "", Request $request)
if ($request->header("Authorization"))
// return data related to the user
// return general data