I have a Redux
saga that makes several API requests. I am using takeLatest
to make sure that any previously running sagas are cancelled if a new action is fired. However this does not cancel in-flight requests and we are running into max connection limit issues.
To fix this I am creating an AbortController inside the saga and passing it to each request so they can be aborted if the saga is cancelled (see below):
export function* doSomething(action: Action): SagaIterator {
const abortController = new AbortController();
try {
const fooResponse: FooResponse = yield call(getFoo, ..., abortController);
const barResponse: BarResponse = yield call(getBar, ..., abortController);
catch {
.. handle error
finally {
if (yield cancelled()) {
abortController.abort(); // Cancel the API call if the saga was cancelled
export function* watchForDoSomethingAction(): SagaIterator {
yield takeLatest('action/type/app/do_something', doSomething);
However, I'm not sure how to check that abortController.abort()
is called, since AbortController is instantiated inside the saga. Is there a way to mock this?