I'd like to translate Kibana query like to following to LogQL:
host:("test1-myservice-*") AND level:ERROR
AND NOT logger_name:"com.example.ExampleClass"
AND _exists_:stack_trace
AND NOT stack_trace:(
OR "Read timed out"
OR "java.lang.InterruptedException"
I have tried the following in Grafana Explore but it does not return any records for our JSON log messages:
{host=~"test1-myservice-.*"} | json
| logger_name != "com.example.ExampleClass"
| stack_trace !=""
| stack_trace =~ ".*InterruptedException.*"
While using !=
instead of =~
it returns all records:
{host=~"test1-myservice-.*"} | json
| logger_name != "com.example.ExampleClass"
| stack_trace !=""
| stack_trace !~ ".*InterruptedException.*"
If I'm right the following applies from the documentations to the stack_trace
field of the JSON log line:
String type work exactly like Prometheus label matchers use in log stream selector. This means you can use the same operations (=,!=,=~,!~).
Source: Label filter expression
The following seems to work but it seems awkward:
{host=~"test1-myservice-.*"} | json
| logger_name != "com.example.ExampleClass"
| stack_trace !=""
!~ ".*InterruptedException.*|.*Read timed out.*"
| json
Furthermore, if I'm right, it searches for InterruptedException
and Read timed out
substrings in the complete JSON string instead of its stack_trace
field only.
Is there a more LogQL-ish way to translate the Kibana query above to LogQL? Should the !~
operator work in this case?
Environment: Grafana 7.5.4 / 8.2.3, Loki: 2.4.1
AND _exists_:stack_trace
part, since it isn't needed in LogsQL. – Auberge