Here is the prototype for a C function that resides in a DLL:
extern "C" void__stdcall__declspec(dllexport) ReturnPulse(double*,double*,double*,double*,double*);
In another thread, I asked about how to properly create and send the necessary arguments to this function.
Here is the thread: How do I wrap this C function, with multiple arguments, with ctypes?
So I have used the good information in the thread above, but now I am getting this error: WindowsError: exception: access violation writing 0x00001001
I am unsure as to how to proceed. I'm on Windows XP - if I log into the administrator account, would that fix the problem? Or is this a problem with Python's memory objects being immutable?
Thanks all!
Edited with relevant Python:
FROGPCGPMonitorDLL = windll.LoadLibrary('C:\Program Files\MesaPhotonics\VideoFROG 7.0\PCGPMonitor.dll')
#Function argument:double* pulse
sizePULSE = 2 ##Manual is super unclear here
pulse = c_double * sizePULSE
ptrpulse = pulse()
#Function argument:double* tdl
sizeTRACE = FROGPCGPMonitorDLL.GetSize()
if sizeTRACE == 0 :
sizeTRACE = 1 #Manually set size to 1 for testing purposes
print "Size of FROG trace is zero. Probably not right."
tdl = c_double*sizeTRACE
ptrtdl = tdl()
#Function argument:double* tdP
sizeTRACE = FROGPCGPMonitorDLL.GetSize()
if sizeTRACE==0:
print "Size of FROG trace is zero. Probably not right."
tdP = c_double*sizeTRACE
ptrtdP = tdP()
#Function Argument:double* fdl
sizeTRACE = FROGPCGPMonitorDLL.GetSize()
if sizeTRACE==0:
print "Size of FROG trace is zero. Probably not right."
fdl = c_double*sizeTRACE
ptrfdl = fdl()
#Function Argument: double* fdP
sizeTRACE = FROGPCGPMonitorDLL.GetSize()
if sizeTRACE==0:
print "Size of FROG trace is zero. Probably not right."
fdP = c_double*sizeTRACE
ptrfdP = fdP()
FROGPCGPMonitorDLL.ReturnPulse(ptrpulse, ptrtdl, ptrtdP,ptrfdl,ptrfdP)
Edited to add some relevant code! I'm just writing a simple script to get each of the device's functions working first. The variable sizeTRACE can be reused, I know, but its just test code right now and the device isn't hooked up, so GetSize() is returning zero. Multiplying by zero would kill my buzz, so I'm forcing it to 1 for now. If this isn't clear, I apologize and will try to edit this post.
Second edit: It was suggested to plug in the device and see if that helped. I just plugged in the FROG, but I'm still getting the same error. Very strange, and I'm rather clueless. In any event, thanks again all!