Hi I have a simple script that takes a file and runs another Perl script on it. The script does this to every picture file in the current folder. This is running on a machine with 2 quad core Xeon processors, 16gb of ram, running RedHat Linux.
The first script work.pl basically calls magicplate.pl passes some parameters and the name of the file for magicplate.pl to process. Magic Plate takes about a minute to process each image. Because work.pl is preforming the same function over 100 times and because the system has multiple processors and cores I was thinking about splitting the task up so that it could run multiple times in parallel. I could split the images up to different folders if necessary. Any help would be great. Thank you
Here is what I have so far:
use strict;
use warnings;
my @initialImages = <*>;
foreach my $file (@initialImages) {
if($file =~ /.png/){
print "processing $file...\n";
my @tmp=split(/\./,$file);
my $name="";
for(my $i=0;$i<(@tmp-1);$i++) {
if($name eq "") { $name = $tmp[$i]; } else { $name=$name.".".$tmp[$i];}
my $exten=$tmp[(@tmp-1)];
my $orig=$name.".".$exten;
system("perl magicPlate.pl -i ".$orig." -min 4 -max 160 -d 1");