I would like to change my application.css file to a sass file and use @import to pull all the necessary files. Then I want to @import the application.css.sass into page specific sass files. This all works beautifully in development, but when I push it to production env on heroku I get this error:
Error compiling CSS asset
Sass::SyntaxError: File to import not found or unreadable: application
@import "reset"
@import "typography"
@import "buttons"
@import "junk"
$yellow: #f0f090
$orange: #f89818
$blue1: #184898
$blue2: #4888c8
background: ...
/* all the rest of the app-wide styling */
@import "application"
/*page specific styling*/
Then on the pages that need stuff different from application.css I call
!!! 5
= stylesheet_link_tag "uniquePage"