I just started to play with Susy. I have a 12 column grid that has grid-padding on it. Now i want the header of my page to span the whole grid including the grid-padding. What I'm doing right now is calculating the overall width and then setting a negative margin on the header. That's feels rather hacky to me... Is there a cleaner way to do it?
$total-columns : 12;
$column-width : 3.5em;
$gutter-width : 1.25em;
$grid-padding : 2em;
$total-width: ( $total-columns * ($column-width + $gutter-width) ) + ( 2 * $grid-padding ) - $gutter-width;
header {
height: 150px;
width: $total-width;
margin-left: -$grid-padding;