In it says:
# List of JAR files that should not be scanned for configuration information # such as web fragments, TLD files etc. It must be a comma separated list of # JAR file names. # The JARs listed below include: # - Tomcat Bootstrap JARs # - Tomcat API JARs # - Catalina JARs # - Jasper JARs # - Tomcat JARs # - Common non-Tomcat JARs # - Sun JDK JARs # - Apple JDK JARs tomcat.util.scan.DefaultJarScanner.jarsToSkip=\ bootstrap.jar,commons-daemon.jar,tomcat-juli.jar,\
Can anyone explain WHY? For example, you have to include the jstl.jar in your libs, but if it's called jstl.jar, it skips it. I just don't understand what the point of skipping it is in the first place?