Watir supports using data-
type attributes as locators (ie no need to use xpath). Simply replace the dashes with underscores and add a colon to the start.
You can get the div using the following (note the format of the locator for the attribute: data-loc-type -> :data_loc_type ):
browser.div(:class => 'location_picker_type_level', :data_loc_type => '1')
If it is only expected that there is one div of this type, you can check that it has a table by doing:
div = browser.div(:class => 'location_picker_type_level', :data_loc_type => '1')
puts div.table.exists?
#=> true
If there are multiple divs that match and you want to check that at least one of them has the table, use the any?
method for a divs
#Get a collection of all div tags matching the criteria
divs = browser.divs(:class => 'location_picker_type_level', :data_loc_type => '1')
#Check if the table exists in any of the divs
puts divs.any?{ |d| d.table.exists? }
#=> true
#Or if you want to get the div that contains the table, use 'find'
div = divs.find{ |d| d.table.exists? }