When setting up a for each loop to read products from an "objProduct" object variable, I got three options in "Enumerator Mode" pane as snapshot shows:
I know "Rows in the first table" is the right option for current case. However, I'm curious in which scenarios will the second and third options be used?
Seems that "ADO Object Source Variable" will contain multiple tables if 2nd/3rd is applied. That's confusing... shouldn't one variable be regarded as one table and thus, only the first option is needed?
P.S. I did researches and only MSDN sheds some light as below, but not quite clear when they will be applied and for what purpose.
**Rows in all tables (ADO.NET dataset only)**
Select to enumerate rows in all tables. This option is available only if the objects to enumerate are all members of the same ADO.NET dataset.
**All tables (ADO.NET dataset only)**
Select to enumerate tables only.