I am trying to implement integration of third party app into project as per instruciton https://github.com/Paytm-Payments/Paytm_iOS_App_Kit/tree/master/Swift/BitCodeDisabled/PaytmNativeSDK
I see the following error in build
Module compiled with Swift 4.2.1 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.0 compiler
I have tried toolchains https://medium.com/xcblog/switching-swift-versions-inside-xcode-using-toolchains-755b28831c43 The error changes to Reason: Incompatible library version: PaytmNativeSDK requires version 1.0.0 or later, but libswiftCore.dylib provides version 0.0.0
How do i setup XCode or the Library to make it work . There is no chance of the vendor updating the library for Swift 5.0 and make it available on POD.