I am trying to add totals to a data table footer. Using code from different sources, I wrote the following application using Shiny. The problem is, when I run it, the following message appears:
"Processing ..."
and stays there forever.
My guess is the JS() code, but cannot debug that.
ui <- fluidPage(
column(9, DT::dataTableOutput('withtotal'))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# server-side processing
mtcars2 = mtcars[, 1:8]
#sketch <- htmltools::withTags(table(tableHeader(mtcars2), tableFooter(mtcars2)))
sketch = htmltools::withTags(table(tableFooter(c("",0,0,0,0,0,0,0))))
opts <- list( footerCallback = JS("function ( row, data, start, end, display ) {",
"var api = this.api();",
"var intVal = function ( i ) {",
"return typeof i === 'string' ?",
"i.replace(/[\\$,]/g, '')*1 :",
"typeof i === 'number' ?",
"i : 0;",
"if (api.column(COLNUMBER).data().length){",
"var total = api",
".column( COLNUMBER )",
".reduce( function (a, b) {",
"return intVal(a) + intVal(b);",
"} ) }",
"else{ total = 0};",
"if (api.column(COLNUMBER).data().length){",
"var pageTotal = api",
".column( COLNUMBER, { page: 'current'} )",
".reduce( function (a, b) {",
" return intVal(a) + intVal(b);",
"} ) }",
"else{ pageTotal = 0};",
"$( api.column(COLNUMBER).footer() ).html(",
output$withtotal = DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable(mtcars2,container = sketch, options = opts))
options(shiny.error = browser)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)