In the question here a method for creating a compatible TValue to use with SetValue is shown. I'm trying to make a generic version of this, to use RTTI to store a class into an INI file. This is my cut down code:
procedure TMyClass.LoadRTTI(xObject: TObject);
LContext: TRttiContext;
LClass: TRttiInstanceType;
xField : TRttiField;
szNewValue : String;
xValue : TValue;
LContext := TRttiContext.Create;
LClass := LContext.GetType(xObject.ClassType) as TRttiInstanceType;
for xField in LClass.GetDeclaredFields do
szNewValue := IniFile.ReadString(szSection, xField.Name, '');
if szNewValue <> '' then // emumerated will be '0' (zero) as that is what GetValue.AsString returns
case xField.FieldType.TypeKind of
tkEnumeration: xValue := StrToIntDef(szNewValue, xField.GetValue(xObject).AsOrdinal);
xField.SetValue(xObject, xValue); // FAILS HERE with 'Invalid calss typecast
In the answer referenced, the solution was to get the value using the TValue.From() method, but that appears to require a variable of the appropriate type. I don't have such a type as my code doesn't know what it is.
I am seeking an example of a generic way to obtain a value in a string from the RTTI, and put it back again afterward. I've not found a good tutorial that covers this yet.