If you want to get an Attribute set selector in your Magento Admin System > Configuration this class will be useful:
class CompanyName_ModuleName_Model_System_Config_Source_Catalog_Product_Attributeset
protected $_options = array();
public function toOptionArray()
if (!count($this->_options)) {
$entityTypeId = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product')->getTypeId();
$attributeSetCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute_set_collection')
foreach ($attributeSetCollection as $_attributeSet) {
$this->_options[] = array(
'value' => $_attributeSet->getId(),
'label' => $_attributeSet->getAttributeSetName()
return $this->_options;
These attribute sets are limited by catalog_product entity type.
Indeed you will need the field in your system.xml like this:
<select_attribute_set translate="label">
<label>Default Attribute Set for new importing products</label>