Working on my iPhone app and trying to build for debug and I get "106 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7"?
I am using the .workspace file because I am trying to use CocoaPods. If I don't use the .workspace and instead use the .xcodeproj I don't get the error, but then I get missing -lPods .
In my project I have the following targets in the Project Navigator.
Pods (blue icon)
MyProject (blue icon)
Restkit.xcodeproj (blue icon)
... all my files
The issue is that Restkit is making reference to "AFHTTPClient.h" and all the other AF code, but I included it via CocoaPods. I tried deleting the AFNetworking folder from the RestKit library, but apparently the Restkit library can't find the Pods version of AFNetworking?
Is there a way to get RestKit to use the Pods version? If not how do I go about removing Pods from my project?