I am creating this batch file, that works with handbrakecli, to batch convert avi to mp4.
However I am stuck in how to continue the loop and skip the current file inside a loop.
FOR /R "%somepath%" %%G in (*.avi) DO (
rem skip if filename contains word trailer
rem skip if file name contains word sample
rem do conversion
This currently doesn't work in skipping the files that contain trailer or sample
I have tried using find or findstr and both fail to skip.
echo "%%G" | c:\windows\system32\findstr /i "trailer" > NUL
If %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 set skip Yes
Here is for sample.
echo "%%G" | c:\windows\system32\findstr /i "sample" > NUL
If %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 set skip Yes
If a file contains either trailer or sample, I do not want to do any handbrakecli conversions, but to just skip it.
I do echo's to display which files get converted, and it does include files with Sample or sample in the name.
I have tried using find or findstr and both fail to set skip to yes
if skip == No do ( rem do conversion )
I only want to convert non-trailer/sample avi files.
Thank you for your time.