I am new to Ida and I need to use it to identify which functions within the executable call one of these. I am trying to find a way a packet is encrypted as a security exercise. Lets say I want to look at the imports window and see these, does that mean that those are the only functions referenced in the executable? How can I find where sendto is referenced? I tried to search it by name but the search takes forever and does not seem to find anything.
Address Ordinal Name Library
------- ------- ---- -------
0109150C 111 imp_WSAGetLastError WS2_32
01091524 101 __imp_WSAAsyncSelect WS2_32
0109157C freeaddrinfo WS2_32
01091578 getaddrinfo WS2_32
01091548 57 __imp_gethostname WS2_32
01091518 52 __imp_gethostbyname WS2_32
01091530 23 __imp_socket WS2_32
01091528 21 __imp_setsockopt WS2_32
01091554 20 sendto WS2_32
0109154C 19 __imp_send WS2_32
01091574 18 __imp_select WS2_32
01091558 17 recvfrom WS2_32
01091550 16 __imp_recv WS2_32
01091508 15 __imp_ntohs WS2_32
01091514 14 ntohl WS2_32
01091540 13 __imp_listen WS2_32
0109151C 12 __imp_inet_ntoa WS2_32
01091520 11 __imp_inet_addr WS2_32
01091580 10 __imp_ioctlsocket WS2_32
01091568 115 __imp_WSAStartup WS2_32
01091538 9 __imp_htons WS2_32
01091534 3 __imp_closesocket WS2_32
0109152C WSAIoctl WS2_32
01091510 8 htonl WS2_32
01091570 151 __imp_WSAFDIsSet WS2_32
0109155C 7 getsockopt WS2_32
0109153C 2 __imp_bind WS2_32
01091564 6 getsockname WS2_32
01091560 5 getpeername WS2_32
01091544 1 __imp_accept WS2_32
01091584 4 __imp_connect WS2_32
0109156C 116 __imp_WSACleanup WS2_32