I am working on a program in C++ which should detect faces from webcam stream, than crop them using face landmarks and swap them.
I programmed face detection using OpenCV and Viola-Jones face detection. Works fine. Than I searched for how to segment just face from ROI. I tried few skin detection implementations but none was successful.
Than I found dlib face landmarks. I decided to try it. Just in beginning I faced problems because I had to convert cv::Mat
to cv_image
, Rect to rectangle etc. So I tried to do it just with dlib. I just get stream using cv::VideoCapture
and than I wanted to show what is captured using dlib image_window
. But here was the problem it was reeeealy slow. Down is used code. Commented lines are lines which do that same but using OpenCV. OpenCV is much more faster, smooth, continuous than code which is not commented whis is like 5 FPS. That's horrible. I can't imagine how slow it will be when I apply face detection and face landmarks.
Am I doing something wrong? How can I make it faster? Or should I use OpenCV for video capture and showing?
cv::VideoCapture cap;
image_window output_frame;
if (!cap.open(0))
cout << "ERROR: Opening video device 0 FAILED." << endl;
return -1;
cv::Mat cap_frame;
//HWND hwnd;
cap >> cap_frame;
if (!cap_frame.empty())
cv_image<bgr_pixel> dlib_frame(cap_frame);
//if (27 == char(cv::waitKey(10)))
// return 0;
//hwnd = FindWindowA(NULL, "output");
} while(!output_frame.is_closed())//while (hwnd != NULL);
EDIT: After switching to Release mode showing capured frames becomes fine. But I go on and tried to do face detection and shape prediction with dlib just like in example here http://dlib.net/face_landmark_detection_ex.cpp.html. It was quite laggy. So I turned off shape prediction. Still "laggy.
So I assumed face detection is slowing it down. So I tried face detection using OpenCV because it was significantly better than dlib detector. I needed to convert detected cv::Rect to dlib::rectangle. I used this.
std::vector<dlib::rectangle> dlib_rois;
long l, t, r, b;
for (int i = cv_rois.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
l = cv_rois[i].x;
t = cv_rois[i].y;
r = cv_rois[i].x + cv_rois[i].width;
b = cv_rois[i].y + cv_rois[i].height;
dlib_rois.push_back(dlib::rectangle(l, t, r, b));
But this combination of OpenCV face detection and dlib shape prediction become brutal laggy. It takes about 4s to process single frame.
I can't figure out why. OpenCV face detection was absolutely fine, dlib shape prediction doesn't seem to be hard to process. Can somebody help me with?