I am trying to implement my own beanstalkd client as a way of learning go. https://github.com/kr/beanstalkd/blob/master/doc/protocol.txt
At the moment, I am using bufio
to read in a line of data delimited by \n
res, err := this.reader.ReadLine('\n')
This is fine for when I send a single command, and read a a single line response like: INSERTED %d\r\n
but I find difficulties when I try to reserve a job because the job body could be multiple lines and as such, I cannot use the \n
Is there a way to read into the buffer until CRLF
e.g. when I send the reserve
command. My expected response is as follows:
RESERVED <id> <bytes>\r\n
But data could contain \n
, so I need to read until the \r\n
Alternatively - is there a way of reading a specific number of bytes as specified in <bytes>
in example response above?
At the moment, I have (err handling removed):
func (this *Bean) receiveLine() (string, error) {
res, err := this.reader.ReadString('\n')
return res, err
func (this *Bean) receiveBody(numBytesToRead int) ([]byte, error) {
res, err := this.reader.ReadString('\r\n') // What to do here to read to CRLF / up to number of expected bytes?
return res, err
func (this *Bean) Reserve() (*Job, error) {
res, err := this.receiveLine()
var jobId uint64
var bodylen int
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(res, "RESERVED %d %d\r\n", &jobId, &bodylen)
body, err := this.receiveBody(bodylen)
job := new(Job)
job.Id = jobId
job.Body = body
return job, nil
was a typo - I corrected question. I have also attached example code of where I have got so far. As you can see, I can get the number of expected bytes of the body. Could you elaborate on why you don't like the idea of reading a specific number of bytes? This seems most logical? – Koel