I am having a problem autoplaying videos with the youtube-ios-player-helper
pod provided by Google/YouTube. Here is the relevant part of my app (iOS 10, Swift 3):
- a ChannelVideosViewController that displays video thumbnails as UIViews with an UITapGestureRecognizer that in turn segues to my PlayerViewController and passes the videoId from the API call
a PlayerViewController as follows:
var youtubePlayerView = YTPlayerView() // player for videos var youtubeVideoID = String() // videoId from API passed by ChannelVideosViewController override func viewDidLoad() { // ... skipping UI stuff view.addSubview(youtubePlayerView) youtubePlayerView.load(withVideoId: youtubeVideoID, playerVars: ["autoplay":1,"modestbranding":1,"showinfo":0,"rel":0]) }
With the code above the helper library successfully loads the videos and plays them in fullscreen when I press the "big red button" but I want to autoplay the videos directly after I segue into the view. Is there a way to do this?
from the YouTube docs doesn't seem to cut it for iOS.youtubePlayerView.playVideo()
doesn't do anything