I am trying to query the following JSON example file stored on my HDFS
"tag1": "1.0",
"tag2": "blah",
"tag3": "blahblah",
"tag4": {
"tag4_1": [{
"tag4_1_1": [{
"tag4_1_1_1": {
"Addr": {
"Addr1": "blah",
"City": "City",
"StateProvCd": "NY",
"PostalCode": "99999"
"tag4_1_1_1": {
"Addr": {
"Addr1": "blah2",
"City": "City2",
"StateProvCd": "NY",
"PostalCode": "99999"
I used the following to create an external table over the data
tag1 string
, tag2 string
, tag3 string
, tag4 struct<tag4_1:ARRAY<struct<tag4_1_1:ARRAY<struct<tag4_1_1_1:struct<Addr
, City:string
, StateProvCd:string
, PostalCode:string>>>>>>
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 'HDFS/location';
Ideally, I want to query the data such that it would return to me as such:
select tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4(all data) from DB.hv_table;
Can someone provide me an example of how I can query without writing it in the following manner:
select tag1, tag2, tag3
, tag4.tag4_1[0].tag4_1_1[0].tag4_1_1_1.Addr.Addr1 as Addr1
, tag4.tag4_1[0].tag4_1_1[0].tag4_1_1_1.Addr.City as City
, tag4.tag4_1[0].tag4_1_1[0].tag4_1_1_1.Addr.StateProvCd as StateProvCd
, tag4.tag4_1[0].tag4_1_1[0].tag4_1_1_1.Addr.PostalCode as PostalCode
from DB.hv_table
Most importantly, I would like to not define the array item element number. In my example, I am only able to target the first element of my array (tag4_1_1_1). I would to target everything if possible.