You're right that this function is not tail recursive because the second clause's last call is the list prepend operation, not a call to itself. To make this tail-recursive, you'll have to use an accumulator. Since the accumulation happens in reverse, in the first clause you'll need to reverse the list.
def even(list), do: even(list, [])
def even([], acc), do: :lists.reverse(acc)
def even([head | tail], acc) when rem(head, 2) == 0 do
even(tail, [head | acc])
def even([_head| tail], acc) do
even(tail, acc)
But in Erlang, your "body-recursive" code is automatically optimized and may not be slower than a tail-recursive solution which does a :lists.reverse
call at the end. The Erlang documentation recommends writing whichever of the two results in cleaner code in such cases.
According to the myth, using a tail-recursive function that builds a list in reverse followed by a call to lists:reverse/1
is faster than a body-recursive function that builds the list in correct order; the reason being that body-recursive functions use more memory than tail-recursive functions.
That was true to some extent before R12B. It was even more true before R7B. Today, not so much. A body-recursive function generally uses the same amount of memory as a tail-recursive function. It is generally not possible to predict whether the tail-recursive or the body-recursive version will be faster. Therefore, use the version that makes your code cleaner (hint: it is usually the body-recursive version).
For a more thorough discussion about tail and body recursion, see Erlang's Tail Recursion is Not a Silver Bullet.
Myth: Tail-Recursive Functions are Much Faster Than Recursive Functions.