Foreword: I released this utility in
, see timex.Round()
I don't think there's a simple way because when printed using the default format (e.g. %v
), Duration.String()
is called to produce the string representation. It returns a string
value, so formatting options like number of fraction digits are not applicable anymore.
One way to control the resulting fraction digits is to truncate or round the duration before printing it, using Duration.Truncate()
or Duration.Round()
Of course the unit to which the duration should be truncated or rounded to depends on the duration's value, but the logic is not that hard:
var divs = []time.Duration{
time.Duration(1), time.Duration(10), time.Duration(100), time.Duration(1000)}
func round(d time.Duration, digits int) time.Duration {
switch {
case d > time.Second:
d = d.Round(time.Second / divs[digits])
case d > time.Millisecond:
d = d.Round(time.Millisecond / divs[digits])
case d > time.Microsecond:
d = d.Round(time.Microsecond / divs[digits])
return d
Let's test it with different durations:
ds := []time.Duration{
time.Hour + time.Second + 123*time.Millisecond, // 1h0m1.123s
time.Hour + time.Second + time.Microsecond, // 1h0m1.000001s
123456789 * time.Nanosecond, // 123.456789ms
123456 * time.Nanosecond, // 123.456µs
123 * time.Nanosecond, // 123ns
for _, d := range ds {
fmt.Printf("%-15v", d)
for digits := 0; digits <= 3; digits++ {
fmt.Printf("%-15v", round(d, digits))
Output will be (try it on the Go Playground):
duration 0 digits 1 digit 2 digits 3 digits
1h0m1.123s 1h0m1s 1h0m1.1s 1h0m1.12s 1h0m1.123s
1h0m1.000001s 1h0m1s 1h0m1s 1h0m1s 1h0m1s
123.456789ms 123ms 123.5ms 123.46ms 123.457ms
123.456µs 123µs 123.5µs 123.46µs 123.456µs
123ns 123ns 123ns 123ns 123ns