When trying to setup Promtail I get the following error:
level=error ts=2020-11-27T06:10:30.310583Z caller=main.go:104 msg="error creating promtail" error="failed to make file target manager: pipeline stage must contain only one key"
I am running the following from the command line.
promtail-windows-amd64.exe --config.file=../conf/promtail-local-config.yml
My log lines looks like this:
13:21:03.183 - INFO - Successfully received document from ''. Saved as 'c:\test\test_file.txt' in 102ms from address '/'
13:21:05.275 - WARN - Failed to receive document from ''. Error creating file c:\test\error_file.txt'
My config looks as follows:
- job_name: promtailTest
- match:
selector: '{job="promtailTest"}'
- regex:
expression: '^(?P<timestamp>\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d{3})\\s\\-\\s(?P<logLevel>[A-Z]{4,5})\\s\\-\\s(?P<logMessage>.*)$'
- labels:
- targets:
- localhost
job: promtailTest
app: promtailTest
host: LOCAL
__path__: C:/test/logs/*log
When I take out the pipeline_stages: section then I do see the lines in grafana however I cannot get the regex part to work. I actually want to add a label for the logging Level (so I can count the errors)