Here are two basic approaches for altering graphs in MMA 8.0. The first relies on HighlightGraph
and in particular on GraphHighlightStyle -> "DehighlightHide"
. The second approach uses the VertexCoordinates of a graph in future variants of that graph.
We'll discuss deletion separately from addition because they involve slightly different methods.
[P.S. : I made several edits to my answer in to make it clearer.]
First some data:
Here is the initial graph:
g = Graph[edges, VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 10,
ImageSize -> 500]
"Deleting" a graph edge without changing the overall appearance of the graph.
Let's begin to remove the edge (4,11) located at the center of the graph. remainingEdgesAndVertices
contains all vertices and the initial edges with the exception of edge (4,11).
remainingEdgesAndVertices =
Join[VertexList[g], Complement[EdgeList[g], {4 \[UndirectedEdge] 11}]]
Let's "delete" (i.e. hide) the edge (4,11):
HighlightGraph[g, remainingEdgesAndVertices, VertexLabels -> "Name",
ImagePadding -> 10, GraphHighlightStyle -> "DehighlightHide",
ImageSize -> 500]
If we had actually removed edge (4, 11) the graph would have radically changed its appearance.
Graph[Complement[edges, {4 \[UndirectedEdge] 11}],
VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 10, ImageSize -> 500]
"Adding" a graph edge without changing the overall appearance of the graph.
Adding a graph edge is slightly more challenging. There are two ways that come to mind. The method used here works backwards. You include the new edge first in hidden form and then uncover it later. The initial graph with the hidden, "to-be-added" edge will be in a layout similar to that of the graph with the "new" edge. The reason is this: they are in fact the same graph: however they show different numbers of edges.
g2 = Graph[Append[edges, 42 \[UndirectedEdge] 37],
VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 10, ImageSize -> 500]
Join[Complement[EdgeList[g2], {42 \[UndirectedEdge] 37}],
VertexList[g2]], VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 10,
GraphHighlightStyle -> "DehighlightHide"]
Now show the graph with the "new edge" added.
This looks very different from Figure 1. But it seems to be a natural extension of Fig. 4.
Adding new vertices and edges on-the-fly
There is another way to add edges (and vertices) while maintaining the overall appearance. It was inspired by something Sjoerd wrote in his response.
Let's reserve the point {0,0} for a future vertex 99. We simply add that point to the VertexCoordinates
from g2:
vc = VertexCoordinates ->
Append[AbsoluteOptions[g2, VertexCoordinates][[2]], {0, 0}]
Now let's see what it looks like. g3 is just g2 with the additional vertex (999) and edge (4,99).
g3 = Graph[Append[EdgeList [g2], 4 \[UndirectedEdge] 999], vc,
VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 10,
GraphHighlightStyle -> "DehighlightHide", ImageSize -> 500]
This procedure allows us to add new edges and vertices as we move forward. But some trial and error will be needed to ensure that the new vertices are located in a suitable position.
Adding only another edge (without a new vertex) is much easier: just add the new edge and use the VertexCoordinates
from the prior graph.
You should be able to delete edges from a graph using the same approach (using same VertexCoordinates