While using ZedGraph to display six graphs on three GraphPane's as shown in first pic, all graphs are in sync. However when i try to display the date for the first pane the graph are out of sync as shown in the second pic. Its important that all six graphs remain in sync for the user to make sense of the whole chart.
I have tried XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date as suggested by tmwoods here and was able to show the dates along X axis. The DateTime along X axis can be in minutes/seconds say from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM could also be in days say form 28/1/2009 to 25/11/2012
on the latter two charts to be ~530 (I am guessing where they get cut off) so the data stretches across the whole chart. – BrillX-Axis
; you can only do that with theY-Axis
. I think the only solution to this is a hack; you'll have to cut off the second two charts by setting themaximum
value so the chart stretches; I think this might be the only way. If you explain what you're trying to do a bit more maybe we can brainstorm another solution though :) – Brill