I'd like to use multiple versions of python (2.5 and 2.7 is what I need, but would be nice to have 3.2 also). On Windows XP!
I'd like to use virtualenvwrapper-win instead of virtualenv -p
Here's the method for Unix: Use different Python version with virtualenv
Does the same method apply for virtualenvwrapper-win? The source for mkvirtualenv seems to pass the arguments to virtualenv on line 35: https://github.com/davidmarble/virtualenvwrapper-win/blob/master/scripts/mkvirtualenv.bat
I thought I would ask if anyone has done this (and to tell others that they can do this) by asking this question before trying it (and potentially messing up my python environment).
If you have done this, any things to watch out for? Can I use the ActiveState python install for my second python version?