I'm working on a use case that needs continuous callbacks while scanning the beacons. I've thought of 2 approaches but they both have issues.
Monitoring: Monitoring only gives entry and exit callbacks. There's a limitation of listening to only 20 beacons. Also is there a range that i can define to get entry and exit callbacks? Like say if a an advertising beacon comes in range of 2 meters i get an entry callback and if the device moves out of that range i get an exit callback.
Ranging: Ranging gives continuous callbacks along with a set of other parameters like rssi to calculate distance. The big issue when it comes to ranging though is that it consumes insane amount of battery compared to monitoring. What should be an approach for getting continuous callbacks while optimising battery consumption?
I've tried both the approaches and reached to a dead-end. Hence it may seem like a theoretical question yet any insights to solve the use-case in some manner.