If I run this code via IDLE or a virtual environment in pycharm on both windows 10 and 7:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
x = tk.Tk()
y = ttk.Treeview(x)
y.insert('',0,values=['red', 'blue'], tags= ('even',))
y['columns'] = ('color1','color2')
for item in y['columns']:
y.heading(item, text=item)
It changes the font but not the background color. This code does work when run from https://repl.it/languages/tkinter and another user pointed out he had success running it from jupyter notebook. The tkinter/tcl versions are identical to the ones on both my computers. But still, I get plain default settings.
This also appears to be consistent across all ttk widgets, such as the combo boxes.
I have tried every theme and messed around with the mapping in the tcl code. Very puzzled as to why I am running into this issue. Has anyone here encountered this? Might be time to switch to pyQT.