Basically I have the problem that my MinMax
algorithm isn't really working as intended.
What I need is to make my array pieces be copied to newPieces
so that pieces
isn't changed when newPieces
Here is an extract of the MinMax
private int MinMax(
int depth, Piece[] pieces, bool blacksTurn,
List<Move> Moves, Game game, int alpha, Move nextMove) {
Piece[] newPieces=new Piece[24];
Moves=Game.possibleMoves(pieces, blacksTurn, false);
if(depth==0||Moves.Count==0) {
return Evaluation(ref pieces);
int value;
if(blacksTurn==true) {
foreach(Move i in Moves) {
game.MovePiece(newPieces, blacksTurn, i.Moving, i.Destination, true);
value=minMax(depth-1, newPieces, !blacksTurn, Moves, game, alpha, nextMove);
if(alpha>value) {
// ...
Here is the Piece class.
public class Piece
public CellReference Location;
public bool isBlack { get; set; }
public bool isKing { get; set; }
private int Value { get; set; }
public bool taken { get; set; }
public Piece()
public Piece(int i, bool isBlack, bool isKing, int CellsEast, int CellsNorth, bool taken)
this.Value = i;
Location.CellsEast = CellsEast;
Location.CellsNorth = CellsNorth;
this.isBlack = isBlack;
this.isKing = isKing;
this.taken = taken;
is documented as performing a shallow copy – Thoughtless