I have a small Flask app which uses MongoEngine.
my project structure:
my application.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from flask.ext.mongoengine import MongoEngine
from config import app
import os
app.debug = True
# get config settings
if __name__ == '__main__':
# wrap app in mongengine
db = MongoEngine(app)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Bind to PORT if defined, otherwise default to 5000.
port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000))
app.run(host='', port=port)
my models.py:
from application import db
from flask import url_for
# declare model classes
I am deploying on heroku. If my Procfile reads:
web: python application.py
It works fine. When I try to switch to Gunicorn:
web: gunicorn application:app
When I start gunicorn it complains by way of an import error:
ImportError: cannot import name db
Why is this an issue now? I'm guessing it's a path problem but I can't see why so.