I want to read some CSV/Excel files on a secure SFTP folder, make some changes (fixed changes in each file like remove column 2) in those files, upload them to a Postgre DB and also the upload them to a different SFTP path in Python
What's the best way to this?
I have made a connection to the SFTP using pysftp library and am reading the Excel:
import pysftp
import pandas as pd
myHostname = "*****"
myUsername = "****"
myPassword = "***8"
cnopts =pysftp.CnOpts()
cnopts.hostkeys = None
sftp=pysftp.Connection(host=myHostname, username=myUsername,
print ("Connection succesfully stablished ... ")
for i in sftp.listdir_attr():
with sftp.open(i.filename) as f:
How should I proceed with the upload to DB and making those changes to the CSV permanent?