This a guidance not a problem to solve, to help those which have the same issue I had
Enable Node support in Plesk Onyx:
- Install the "Node support" simply from your "update and updates" Plesk interface.
- Go to your "Node extension" page enable/disable the node versions you need
In case you need additional node versions which does not come with the default node support installation:
- Install the Node Version Manager on your server
- Install the versions you need e.g.
nvm install v4.8.4
- Copy paste the node version to plesk
cp -R ~/.nvm/versions/node/v4.8.4/ /opt/plesk/node/
- Then notify your plesk about your installation
plesk sbin nodemng register /opt/plesk/node/v4.8.4/bin/node
- Go to your node extension page where all node versions are listed, hit refresh and voilá
I had some troubles installing additional node versions into Plesk to run my meteorJS app on my server instead of their hosting service.