I am working on automating a website written in Python and using Angular where there are many confirmation notifications. The issue I have is that Behat doesn't seem to recognise those notifications, let alone allow me to interact with them.
I have attached screenshots of what the notification should look like and the Undefined – Undefined error message Behat produces instead.
My scenario:
Then I select the Delete the Media Plan Line Checkbox
And I delete the Media Plan Line
And I select Yes to confirm the deletion
And I select No to confirm the deletion
And my context:
* @Then /^I select the Delete the Media Plan Line Checkbox$/
public function iDeleteMediaPlanLineCheckbox()
* @var AddMediaPlan $addMediaPlan
$addMediaPlan= $this->getPage('AddMediaPlan');
* @Given /^I delete the Media Plan Line$/
public function iDeleteTheMediaPlanLine()
* @var AddMediaPlan $addMediaPlan
$addMediaPlan= $this->getPage('AddMediaPlan');
public function deleteMediaPlanLineCheckbox ()
$element = $this->getElement('deleteMediaPlanLineCheckbox');
public function deleteMediaPlanLines ()
public function deletePopUpYes ()
public function deletePopUpNo ()
Working notification
Broken notification
And here is the video.