I've got something like this in my controller:
public HttpEntity<PagedResources<PromotionResource>> promotions(
@PageableDefault(size = RestAPIConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, page = 0) Pageable pageable,
PagedResourcesAssembler<Promotion> assembler
PagedResources<PromotionResource> r = assembler.toResource(this.promoService.find(pageable), this.promoAssembler);
return new ResponseEntity<PagedResources<PromotionResource>>(r, HttpStatus.OK);
If i navigate to the URL mapped to that controller method i get a 500 error with a root cause of:
com.sun.istack.internal.SAXException2: unable to marshal type "commerce.api.rest.resources.PromotionResource " as an element because it is missing an @XmlRootElement annotation
If i throw a @XmlRootElement annotation on my resource it becomes this error:
com.sun.istack.internal.SAXException2: unable to marshal type "commerce.api.rest.resources.PromotionResource " as an element because it is not known to this context.
Everything is fine if the accept header is application/json or application/hal+json. The problem is caused only when the client (in this case chrome) is looking for application/xml (which makes sense as HATEOAS is following the clients requests. I'm using spring boot's @EnableAutoConfiguration which is adding the XML message converter to the list and thus enabling XML content types.
I'm guessing i have at least 2 options: 1. fix the jaxb error 2. remove xml as a supported content type
not sure how to do either, or maybe there's another option.