I run into problems when calling Spark's MinHashLSH's approxSimilarityJoin on a dataframe of (name_id, name) combinations.
A summary of the problem I try to solve:
I have a dataframe of around 30 million unique (name_id, name) combinations for company names. Some of those names refer to the same company, but are (i) either misspelled, and/or (ii) include additional names. Performing fuzzy string matching for every combination is not possible. To reduce the number of fuzzy string matching combinations, I use MinHashLSH in Spark. My intended approach is to use a approxSimilarityJoin (self-join) with a relatively large Jaccard threshold, such that I am able to run a fuzzy matching algorithm on the matched combinations to further improve the disambiguation.
A summary of the steps I took:
- Used CountVectorizer to create a vector of character counts for every name,
- Used MinHashLSH and its approxSimilarityJoin with the following settings:
- numHashTables=100
- threshold=0.3 (Jaccard threshold for approxSimilarityJoin)
- After the approxSimilarityJoin, I remove duplicate combinations (for which holds that there exists a matched combination (i,j) and (j,i), then I remove (j,i))
- After removing the duplicate combinations, I run a fuzzy string matching algorithm using the FuzzyWuzzy package to reduce the number of records and improve the disambiguation of the names.
- Eventually I run a connectedComponents algorithm on the remaining edges (i,j) to match which company names belong together.
Part of code used:
id_col = 'id'
name_col = 'name'
num_hastables = 100
max_jaccard = 0.3
fuzzy_threshold = 90
fuzzy_method = fuzz.token_set_ratio
# Calculate edges using minhash practices
edges = MinHashLSH(inputCol='vectorized_char_lst', outputCol='hashes', numHashTables=num_hastables).\
approxSimilarityJoin(data, data, max_jaccard).\
withColumn('comb', sort_array(array(*('src', 'dst')))).\
filter(lambda x: fuzzy_method(x['src_name'], x['dst_name']) >= fuzzy_threshold if x['src'] != x['dst'] else False).\
drop(*('src_name', 'dst_name', 'comb'))
Explain plan of edges
== Physical Plan ==
*(5) HashAggregate(keys=[datasetA#232, datasetB#263], functions=[])
+- Exchange hashpartitioning(datasetA#232, datasetB#263, 200)
+- *(4) HashAggregate(keys=[datasetA#232, datasetB#263], functions=[])
+- *(4) Project [datasetA#232, datasetB#263]
+- *(4) BroadcastHashJoin [entry#233, hashValue#234], [entry#264, hashValue#265], Inner, BuildRight, (UDF(datasetA#232.vectorized_char_lst, datasetB#263.vectorized_char_lst) < 0.3)
:- *(4) Project [named_struct(id, id#10, name, name#11, clean, clean#90, char_lst, char_lst#95, vectorized_char_lst, vectorized_char_lst#107, hashes, hashes#225) AS datasetA#232, entry#233, hashValue#234]
: +- *(4) Filter isnotnull(hashValue#234)
: +- Generate posexplode(hashes#225), [id#10, name#11, clean#90, char_lst#95, vectorized_char_lst#107, hashes#225], false, [entry#233, hashValue#234]
: +- *(1) Project [id#10, name#11, clean#90, char_lst#95, vectorized_char_lst#107, UDF(vectorized_char_lst#107) AS hashes#225]
: +- InMemoryTableScan [char_lst#95, clean#90, id#10, name#11, vectorized_char_lst#107]
: +- InMemoryRelation [id#10, name#11, clean#90, char_lst#95, vectorized_char_lst#107], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
: +- *(4) Project [id#10, name#11, pythonUDF0#114 AS clean#90, pythonUDF2#116 AS char_lst#95, UDF(pythonUDF2#116) AS vectorized_char_lst#107]
: +- BatchEvalPython [<lambda>(name#11), <lambda>(<lambda>(name#11)), <lambda>(<lambda>(name#11))], [id#10, name#11, pythonUDF0#114, pythonUDF1#115, pythonUDF2#116]
: +- SortAggregate(key=[name#11], functions=[first(id#10, false)])
: +- *(3) Sort [name#11 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
: +- Exchange hashpartitioning(name#11, 200)
: +- SortAggregate(key=[name#11], functions=[partial_first(id#10, false)])
: +- *(2) Sort [name#11 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
: +- Exchange RoundRobinPartitioning(8)
: +- *(1) Filter AtLeastNNulls(n, id#10,name#11)
: +- *(1) FileScan csv [id#10,name#11] Batched: false, Format: CSV, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:<path>, PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<id:string,name:string>
+- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(input[1, int, false], input[2, vector, true]))
+- *(3) Project [named_struct(id, id#10, name, name#11, clean, clean#90, char_lst, char_lst#95, vectorized_char_lst, vectorized_char_lst#107, hashes, hashes#256) AS datasetB#263, entry#264, hashValue#265]
+- *(3) Filter isnotnull(hashValue#265)
+- Generate posexplode(hashes#256), [id#10, name#11, clean#90, char_lst#95, vectorized_char_lst#107, hashes#256], false, [entry#264, hashValue#265]
+- *(2) Project [id#10, name#11, clean#90, char_lst#95, vectorized_char_lst#107, UDF(vectorized_char_lst#107) AS hashes#256]
+- InMemoryTableScan [char_lst#95, clean#90, id#10, name#11, vectorized_char_lst#107]
+- InMemoryRelation [id#10, name#11, clean#90, char_lst#95, vectorized_char_lst#107], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
+- *(4) Project [id#10, name#11, pythonUDF0#114 AS clean#90, pythonUDF2#116 AS char_lst#95, UDF(pythonUDF2#116) AS vectorized_char_lst#107]
+- BatchEvalPython [<lambda>(name#11), <lambda>(<lambda>(name#11)), <lambda>(<lambda>(name#11))], [id#10, name#11, pythonUDF0#114, pythonUDF1#115, pythonUDF2#116]
+- SortAggregate(key=[name#11], functions=[first(id#10, false)])
+- *(3) Sort [name#11 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
+- Exchange hashpartitioning(name#11, 200)
+- SortAggregate(key=[name#11], functions=[partial_first(id#10, false)])
+- *(2) Sort [name#11 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
+- Exchange RoundRobinPartitioning(8)
+- *(1) Filter AtLeastNNulls(n, id#10,name#11)
+- *(1) FileScan csv [id#10,name#11] Batched: false, Format: CSV, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:<path>, PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<id:string,name:string>
How data
| id| name| clean| char_lst| vectorized_char_lst|
|3633038|MURATA MACHINERY LTD| MURATA MACHINERY|[M, U, R, A, T, A...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,5,...|
|3632811|SOCIETE ANONYME D...|SOCIETE ANONYME D...|[S, O, C, I, E, T...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,5,...|
|3632655|FUJIFILM CORPORATION| FUJIFILM|[F, U, J, I, F, I...|(33,[3,10,12,13,2...|
|3633318|HEINE OPTOTECHNIK...|HEINE OPTOTECHNIK...|[H, E, I, N, E, ...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,5,...|
|3633523|SUNBEAM PRODUCTS INC| SUNBEAM PRODUCTS|[S, U, N, B, E, A...|(33,[0,1,2,4,5,6,...|
|3633300| HIVAL LTD| HIVAL| [H, I, V, A, L]|(33,[2,3,10,11,21...|
|3632657| NSK LTD| NSK| [N, S, K]|(33,[5,6,16],[1.0...|
|3633240|REHABILITATION IN...|REHABILITATION IN...|[R, E, H, A, B, I...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,5,...|
|3632732|STUDIENGESELLSCHA...|STUDIENGESELLSCHA...|[S, T, U, D, I, E...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,5,...|
|3632866|ENERGY CONVERSION...|ENERGY CONVERSION...|[E, N, E, R, G, Y...|(33,[0,1,3,5,6,7,...|
|3632895|ERGENICS POWER SY...|ERGENICS POWER SY...|[E, R, G, E, N, I...|(33,[0,1,3,4,5,6,...|
|3632897| MOLI ENERGY LIMITED| MOLI ENERGY|[M, O, L, I, , E...|(33,[0,1,3,5,7,8,...|
|3633275| NORDSON CORPORATION| NORDSON|[N, O, R, D, S, O...|(33,[5,6,7,8,14],...|
|3633256| PEROXIDCHEMIE GMBH| PEROXIDCHEMIE|[P, E, R, O, X, I...|(33,[0,3,7,8,9,11...|
|3632695| POWER CELL INC| POWER CELL|[P, O, W, E, R, ...|(33,[0,1,7,8,9,10...|
|3633037| ERGENICS INC| ERGENICS|[E, R, G, E, N, I...|(33,[0,3,5,6,8,9,...|
|3632878| FORD MOTOR COMPANY| FORD MOTOR|[F, O, R, D, , M...|(33,[1,4,7,8,13,1...|
|3632573| SAFT AMERICA INC| SAFT AMERICA|[S, A, F, T, , A...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,6,...|
|3632852|ALCAN INTERNATION...| ALCAN INTERNATIONAL|[A, L, C, A, N, ...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,5,...|
|3632698| KRUPPKOPPERS GMBH| KRUPPKOPPERS|[K, R, U, P, P, K...|(33,[0,6,7,8,12,1...|
|3633150|ALCAN INTERNATION...| ALCAN INTERNATIONAL|[A, L, C, A, N, ...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,5,...|
|3632761|AMERICAN TELEPHON...|AMERICAN TELEPHON...|[A, M, E, R, I, C...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,5,...|
|3632757|HITACHI KOKI COMP...| HITACHI KOKI|[H, I, T, A, C, H...|(33,[1,2,3,4,7,9,...|
|3632836|HUGHES AIRCRAFT C...| HUGHES AIRCRAFT|[H, U, G, H, E, S...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,6,...|
|3633152| SOSY INC| SOSY| [S, O, S, Y]|(33,[6,7,18],[2.0...|
|3633052|HAMAMATSU PHOTONI...|HAMAMATSU PHOTONI...|[H, A, M, A, M, A...|(33,[1,2,3,4,5,6,...|
|3633450| AKZO NOBEL NV| AKZO NOBEL|[A, K, Z, O, , N...|(33,[0,1,2,5,7,10...|
|3632713| ELTRON RESEARCH INC| ELTRON RESEARCH|[E, L, T, R, O, N...|(33,[0,1,2,4,5,6,...|
|3632533|NEC ELECTRONICS C...| NEC ELECTRONICS|[N, E, C, , E, L...|(33,[0,1,3,4,5,6,...|
|3632562| TARGETTI SANKEY SPA| TARGETTI SANKEY SPA|[T, A, R, G, E, T...|(33,[0,1,2,3,4,5,...|
only showing top 30 rows
Hardware used:
- Master node: m5.2xlarge 8 vCore, 32 GiB memory, EBS only storage EBS Storage:128 GiB
- Slave nodes (10x): m5.4xlarge 16 vCore, 64 GiB memory, EBS only storage EBS Storage:500 GiB
Spark-submit settings used:
spark-submit --master yarn --conf "spark.executor.instances=40" --conf "spark.default.parallelism=640" --conf "spark.shuffle.partitions=2000" --conf "spark.executor.cores=4" --conf "spark.executor.memory=14g" --conf "spark.driver.memory=14g" --conf "spark.driver.maxResultSize=14g" --conf "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false" --packages graphframes:graphframes:0.7.0-spark2.4-s_2.11 run_disambiguation.py
Task errors from Web UI
ExecutorLostFailure (executor 21 exited caused by one of the running tasks) Reason: Slave lost
ExecutorLostFailure (executor 31 exited unrelated to the running tasks) Reason: Container marked as failed: container_1590592506722_0001_02_000002 on host: ip-172-31-47-180.eu-central-1.compute.internal. Exit status: -100. Diagnostics: Container released on a *lost* node.
(Part of) executor logs:
20/05/27 16:29:09 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (25 times so far)
20/05/27 16:29:13 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (26 times so far)
20/05/27 16:29:15 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (28 times so far)
20/05/27 16:29:17 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (0 time so far)
20/05/27 16:29:28 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (27 times so far)
20/05/27 16:29:28 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (26 times so far)
20/05/27 16:29:33 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (29 times so far)
20/05/27 16:29:38 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (1 time so far)
20/05/27 16:29:42 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (27 times so far)
20/05/27 16:29:46 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (28 times so far)
20/05/27 16:29:53 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (30 times so far)
20/05/27 16:29:57 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (2 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:00 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (28 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:05 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (29 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:10 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (31 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:15 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (3 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:19 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (29 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:22 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (30 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:29 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (32 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:32 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (4 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:39 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (31 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:39 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (30 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:46 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (33 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:47 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (5 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:55 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (32 times so far)
20/05/27 16:30:59 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (31 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:03 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (34 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:06 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (6 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:13 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (33 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:14 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (32 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:22 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (35 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:24 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (7 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:30 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (34 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:32 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (33 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:41 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (36 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:44 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (8 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:47 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (35 times so far)
20/05/27 16:31:48 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (34 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:02 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (37 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:03 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (9 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:04 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (36 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:08 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (35 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:19 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (38 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:20 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (37 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:21 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (10 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:26 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (36 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:37 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (39 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:37 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (11 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:38 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (38 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:45 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (37 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:51 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (40 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:56 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (12 times so far)
20/05/27 16:32:58 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (39 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:03 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (38 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:08 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (41 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:13 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (13 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:15 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (40 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:20 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (39 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:26 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (42 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:30 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (41 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:31 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (14 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:36 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (40 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:46 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1992.0 MB to disk (43 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:47 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (42 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:51 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (15 times so far)
20/05/27 16:33:54 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (41 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:03 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1992.0 MB to disk (43 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:04 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 146 spilling sort data of 1992.0 MB to disk (44 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:08 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (16 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:14 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (42 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:16 INFO PythonUDFRunner: Times: total = 774701, boot = 3, init = 10, finish = 774688
20/05/27 16:34:21 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 147 spilling sort data of 1992.0 MB to disk (44 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:22 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (17 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:30 INFO PythonUDFRunner: Times: total = 773372, boot = 2, init = 9, finish = 773361
20/05/27 16:34:32 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1992.0 MB to disk (43 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:39 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (18 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:46 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 89 spilling sort data of 1992.0 MB to disk (44 times so far)
20/05/27 16:34:52 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (19 times so far)
20/05/27 16:35:01 INFO PythonUDFRunner: Times: total = 776905, boot = 3, init = 11, finish = 776891
20/05/27 16:35:05 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (20 times so far)
20/05/27 16:35:19 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (21 times so far)
20/05/27 16:35:35 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (22 times so far)
20/05/27 16:35:52 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (23 times so far)
20/05/27 16:36:10 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (24 times so far)
20/05/27 16:36:29 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (25 times so far)
20/05/27 16:36:47 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (26 times so far)
20/05/27 16:37:06 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (27 times so far)
20/05/27 16:37:25 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (28 times so far)
20/05/27 16:37:44 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (29 times so far)
20/05/27 16:38:03 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (30 times so far)
20/05/27 16:38:22 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (31 times so far)
20/05/27 16:38:41 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (32 times so far)
20/05/27 16:38:59 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (33 times so far)
20/05/27 16:39:19 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (34 times so far)
20/05/27 16:39:39 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (35 times so far)
20/05/27 16:39:58 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (36 times so far)
20/05/27 16:40:18 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (37 times so far)
20/05/27 16:40:38 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (38 times so far)
20/05/27 16:40:57 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (39 times so far)
20/05/27 16:41:16 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (40 times so far)
20/05/27 16:41:35 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (41 times so far)
20/05/27 16:41:55 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1988.0 MB to disk (42 times so far)
20/05/27 16:42:19 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1992.0 MB to disk (43 times so far)
20/05/27 16:42:41 INFO ShuffleExternalSorter: Thread 145 spilling sort data of 1992.0 MB to disk (44 times so far)
20/05/27 16:42:59 ERROR CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend: RECEIVED SIGNAL TERM
20/05/27 16:42:59 INFO DiskBlockManager: Shutdown hook called
20/05/27 16:42:59 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Shutdown hook called
20/05/27 16:42:59 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Deleting directory /mnt/yarn/usercache/hadoop/appcache/application_1590592506722_0001/spark-73af8e3b-f428-47d4-9e13-fed4e19cc2cd
2020-05-27T16:41:16.336+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-05-27T16:41:16.336+0000: [ParNew: 272234K->242K(305984K), 0.0094375 secs] 9076907K->8804915K(13188748K), 0.0094895 secs] [Times: user=0.12 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2020-05-27T16:41:34.686+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-05-27T16:41:34.686+0000: [ParNew: 272242K->257K(305984K), 0.0084179 secs] 9076915K->8804947K(13188748K), 0.0084840 secs] [Times: user=0.09 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
2020-05-27T16:41:35.145+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-05-27T16:41:35.145+0000: [ParNew: 272257K->1382K(305984K), 0.0095541 secs] 9076947K->8806073K(13188748K), 0.0096080 secs] [Times: user=0.12 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2020-05-27T16:41:55.077+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-05-27T16:41:55.077+0000: [ParNew: 273382K->2683K(305984K), 0.0097177 secs] 9078073K->8807392K(13188748K), 0.0097754 secs] [Times: user=0.12 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2020-05-27T16:41:55.513+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-05-27T16:41:55.513+0000: [ParNew: 274683K->3025K(305984K), 0.0093345 secs] 9079392K->8807734K(13188748K), 0.0093892 secs] [Times: user=0.12 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2020-05-27T16:42:05.481+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-05-27T16:42:05.481+0000: [ParNew: 275025K->4102K(305984K), 0.0092950 secs] 9079734K->8808830K(13188748K), 0.0093464 secs] [Times: user=0.12 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2020-05-27T16:42:18.711+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-05-27T16:42:18.711+0000: [ParNew: 276102K->2972K(305984K), 0.0098928 secs] 9080830K->8807700K(13188748K), 0.0099510 secs] [Times: user=0.13 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2020-05-27T16:42:36.493+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-05-27T16:42:36.493+0000: [ParNew: 274972K->3852K(305984K), 0.0094324 secs] 9079700K->8808598K(13188748K), 0.0094897 secs] [Times: user=0.11 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2020-05-27T16:42:40.880+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-05-27T16:42:40.880+0000: [ParNew: 275852K->2568K(305984K), 0.0111794 secs] 9080598K->8807882K(13188748K), 0.0112352 secs] [Times: user=0.13 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
par new generation total 305984K, used 261139K [0x0000000440000000, 0x0000000454c00000, 0x0000000483990000)
eden space 272000K, 95% used [0x0000000440000000, 0x000000044fc82cf8, 0x00000004509a0000)
from space 33984K, 7% used [0x00000004509a0000, 0x0000000450c220a8, 0x0000000452ad0000)
to space 33984K, 0% used [0x0000000452ad0000, 0x0000000452ad0000, 0x0000000454c00000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 12882764K, used 8805314K [0x0000000483990000, 0x0000000795e63000, 0x00000007c0000000)
Metaspace used 77726K, capacity 79553K, committed 79604K, reserved 1118208K
class space used 10289K, capacity 10704K, committed 10740K, reserved 1048576K
What I tried:
- Changing
- Changing
- Repartition the dataframe
How can I solve this issue?
Thanks in advance!