If the fields that you want to use don't include R expressions, you can use yaml_front_matter()
to extract their values and use those to construct the name for the output file:
title: "Untitled"
author: "Jane Doe"
date: "18/02/2022"
output: word_document
knit: >
(function(input_file, encoding) {
metadata <- rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(input_file)
output_file <- with(metadata, paste(title, "by", author))
rmarkdown::render(input = input_file, output_file = output_file)
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If your fields do include R expressions, this becomes a little more involved. You can apply the same principle, but now instead of getting the front matter from the RMarkdown file, you get it from the intermediate Markdown file generated during the rendering process. Then rename the result.
That could look something like this:
title: "Untitled"
author: "Jane Doe"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: word_document
knit: >
(function(input_file, encoding) {
# Render, keeping intermediate files for extracting front matter
md_dir <- tempdir()
output_file_temp <- rmarkdown::render(
input = input_file,
output_file = tempfile(),
intermediates_dir = md_dir,
clean = FALSE
# Get the rendered front matter from the intermediate Markdown file
md_file <- fs::path_ext_set(fs::path_file(input_file), ".knit.md")
metadata <- rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(fs::path(md_dir, md_file))
# Build the output file name based on rendered metadata
output_name <- with(metadata, paste(title, "by", author, "on", date))
# Add the file extension and move to the working directory
output_ext <- fs::path_ext(output_file_temp)
output_file <- fs::path_ext_set(output_name, output_ext)
fs::file_move(output_file_temp, output_file)
message("Output moved to: ", output_file)
204 No Content
when the information is available to name the output file. Or alternatively, somehow extract these during the render and just rename the output file after the fact. – Supersensitive