We all know how to make a simple tap on a bar button item present a menu (introduced on iOS 14):
let act = UIAction(title: "Howdy") { act in
let menu = UIMenu(title: "", children: [act])
self.bbi.menu = menu // self.bbi is the bar button item
So far, so good. But presenting the menu isn't the only thing I want to do when the bar button item is tapped. As long as the menu is showing, I need to pause my game timers, and so on. So I need to get an event telling me that the button has been tapped.
I don't want this tap event to be different from the producing of the menu; for example, I don't want to attach a target and action to my button, because if I do that, then the menu production is a different thing that happens only when the user long presses on the button. I want the menu to appear on the tap, and receive an event telling me that this is happening.
This must be a common issue, so how are people solving it?