I'm trying to include the App instance to use it's event aggregator as shown here
I get an error when I include the instance in a view.
Kicking things off in the Requirejs config file, from App.Bootloader.js:
require(['App'], function (App){
from App.js:
define(function (require){
//...requisite includes $, _, Backbone, Marionette ...
var Layout = require('Layout');
var App = new Marionette.Application();
main: '#view_content'
App.addInitializer(function (){
App.main.show(new Layout());
//... adding router etc ...
Backbone.Marionette.TemplateCache.loadTemplate = function (template, callback){
callback.call(this, Handlebars.compile(template));
return App;
From Layout.js:
var View = require('folder/folder/View');
//template contains #sub div
var template = require('text!template.html');
return Marionette.Layout.extend({
template: template,
regions: {
sub: '#sub'
initialize: function(){
//wait till template is rendered in dom
region.sub.show(new View());
}, this)
From /folder/folder/View.js:
define(function (require){
//...requisite includes $, _, Backbone, Marionette ...
var App = require('App');
return Marionette.ItemView.extend({});
Where I get the error "'Error: Module name 'App' has not been loaded yet for context: _"
Any ideas? Lemme know if you need more information.