I have an Immersive application that's hiding the system bar using the Compose accompanist library in system navigation
val systemUiController: SystemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()
systemUiController.isStatusBarVisible = false // Status bar
systemUiController.isNavigationBarVisible = false // Navigation bar
systemUiController.isSystemBarsVisible = false // Status & Navigation bars
systemUiController.systemBarsBehavior = WindowInsetsControllerCompat.BEHAVIOR_SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
This works fine but when I open a new alertDialog the system navigations show up again. Looking for a compose way of preventing the system bar to appear when AlertDialog
or DropdownMenu
is opened.
My code is basically a scaffold with a variable that controls showing/hiding the AlertDialog from the ViewModel.
Here is a gif to make it more clear. You can see the system navigation are hidden normally but when I clicked on DropDownMenu
and when the AlertDialog
they appear.