I have the Google map and a list of coordinates with a text label. When I preview this, the labels overlap and thus become unreadable:
WPmap <- qmap(c(lon=4.80324, lat=52.40738), zoom = 12, source = "google")
table kaart_rtw:
Naam lat lon
1 Nieuw-Zeelandweg 52.40466 4.80214
2 Portsmuiden 52.39014 4.78554
3 Westhavenweg 52.41602 4.82282
4 Westhavenweg 52.41702 4.82282
5 Westhavenweg 52.41802 4.82282
6 Deccaweg 52.40196 4.83910
7 Coenhavenweg 52.40364 4.86195
AmsterdamMap + geom_text(data = kaart_rtw, aes(label = kaart_rtw$Naam, x = X, y = Y))
Is there a way to stop the overlapping?