I'm doing some tests related to information security, and I came across the following situation, I apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong place, any problems let me know and I'll fix it!
Researching about cracking WIFI passwords, I found the aircrack-ng suite of applications, and, after some time of study, I managed to complete the mission of finding the wifi password of my house xD
without further ado, below I detail my problem:
aircrack-ng manages to receive the password to be tested by parameter, my question is:
How to pass this parameter from a C# console application
I tried several ways but without success.
In my last attempt, out of desperation I used the sendmessage function, available in the user32.dll library of windows.
Obs: I'm using the compiled aircrack binaries for windows, available at the link: aircrack-ng for windows
class Program
public const Int32 WM_COPYDATA = 0x4A;
static extern long SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string classname, string windowname);
public static IntPtr IntPtrAlloc<T>(T param)
IntPtr retval = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(param));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(param, retval, false);
return (retval);
public static void IntPtrFree(IntPtr preAllocated)
if (IntPtr.Zero == preAllocated) throw (new Exception("Go Home"));
Marshal.FreeHGlobal(preAllocated); preAllocated = IntPtr.Zero;
public struct COPYDATASTRUCT
public IntPtr dwData;
public int cbData;
public string lpData;
static void Main()
string msg = "123456";
var cds = new COPYDATASTRUCT
dwData = new IntPtr(3),
cbData = msg.Length + 1,
lpData = msg
IntPtr hWnd = FindWindow("ConsoleWindowClass", @"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe aircrack-ng");
IntPtr cdsBuffer = IntPtrAlloc(cds);
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_COPYDATA, IntPtr.Zero, cdsBuffer);
There is an application that currently does this, it's called crunch, it's basically a word generator. And can send this parameter to aircrack using the following command from the console:
crunch 8 8 0123456789 | aircrack-ng -a 2 my-handshake-capture.cap -b my-router-mac-addres -w -
where the last - is replaced in aircrack, by the parameter coming from crunch.
I searched about it in Crunch project available on github, but it's written on c language, and is more complexity for me. Can anyone help me? Thank you very much in advance!